News of the Consulate

Father’s day

Today, June 18, Father’s Day is celebrated in Ukraine. Family holidays are always special. During the war, we began to appreciate even more the days that can be spent in …

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Ceremony of awarding the Exequatur

June 17, 2021. The official ceremony of handing over the Exequatura! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine held an official ceremony of handing over the Exequatur to Mykola Skrypkovsky, …

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The second anniversary of the awarding of the title of Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in the city of Khmelnytskyi

Dear friends! Two years ago, in accordance with Article 12 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations dated April 24, 1963, I was recognized as the Honorary Consul of the …

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Happy Border Guard Day of the Republic of Moldova

I respectfully congratulate all employees of the Border Service of Moldova on the Day of the Border Guard! You stand guard every day for the security and sovereignty of your …

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International Day of Friends

Today is a bright and benevolent holiday – the day of friendship! Friends get to know each other in war! Almost a year and a half has passed since the …

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