World Writer's Day

Every year on March 3, the World Writer’s Day is celebrated in all countries – a professional holiday of writers.

The full name of this holiday is World Writer’s Day of Peace. This holiday is celebrated not only by writers, but is considered a professional holiday of all representatives of the “fourth power”.

Although the writing profession appeared many centuries ago, masters of words received their holiday only in 1986 at the meeting of the 48th congress of the International PEN Club, thanks to the efforts of public figures, primarily the famous children’s writer Larisa Nisoi. Since then, World Writer’s Day has been celebrated annually.

Taras Shevchenko wrote 237 poems and poems during his lifetime, Ivan Franko was the first professional Ukrainian writer who dared to live by the work of his pen, Lesya Ukrainka began to write plays on her own at the age of 5, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi never received a higher education, but was a highly educated person.

Today, there are about 150-200 thousand professional writers in the world, and they write in more than 150 languages. It is clear from these few facts that the profession of a writer is not easy, multifaceted and deserves deep respect.

I wish everyone who dedicates themselves to the pen – great inspiration. Great talent, creative drive to create masterpieces and grateful readers! Believe in yourself and achieve recognition!

Герб Молдови

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi