The 1st Khmelnytsky Film Festival in Kamyanets-Podilsky

Перший Хмельницький кінофестиваль

Yesterday, September 10, with the support of the State Film Agency of Ukraine, Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration and Khmelnytsky Film Commission the city above Smotrych hosted film lovers at the opening of the First Khmelnytsky Film Festival.

On the invitation of the head of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration Sergiy Gamaliy, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky region Mykola Skrypkovskyi visited the film festival.

That day many famous Ukrainian actors, producers, screenwriters and directors walked the red carpet of the large-scale event, as well as little-known talents who are going to make a name for themselves in the field of Ukrainian cinema. Among the star guests of the cinema festival opening there were Ukrainian actor Ostap Stupka, theater and cinema actor and TV presenter Bogdan Yusypchuk, singer Oleksandr Kryvoshapko, actress and director Daryna Tregubova and Khmelnytsky-based showman Olexandr Pedan, who moderated the event. The opening was also attended by the head of the State Cinema of Ukraine Maryna Kuderchuk, MPs, representatives of regional authorities and other distinguished guests.

The start of such an event has long been talked about, because Khmelnytsky region is rich with potential film locations which can interest Ukrainian and foreign film producers.

Mykola Skrypkovskyi, during a meeting at the film festival, personally thanked Sergiy Gamaliy for the invitation. Honorary Consul was pleasantly surprised by the high level of organization and the richness of its program. The officials agreed to combine their efforts to make the future festival international.

“The first steps of popularizing Khmelnytsky region among Ukrainian and world cinematographers were made long ago. I am sure that the beginning of such an extraordinary film festival for us will accelerate this process”, – said Skrypkovskyi. He also added that he will do his best to make sure that next year the film festival goes international and involves, among others, Moldovan filmmakers.

The large-scale event will last for three days in Khmelnytsky and Kamyanets-Podilsky. Free open-air screenings will also take place in Shepetivka and Krasyliv. To the 30th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine on September 10-12 will be shown 30 Ukrainian films, including 15 short films, 5 feature films, and 9 films made in Khmelnytsky region.

The closing ceremony of the I Khmelnytsky Film Festival will take place on September 12 in Khmelnytsky. Then will be announced the names of all the winners in three competitive programs.
