One year anniversary of Moldova's Honorary Consulate in Khmelnytsky

Mykola Skrypkovskiy

One year ago a piece of Moldova appeared in Khmelnytsky. Solemn cutting of the ribbon marked the start of activity of Moldova’s Honorary Consulate

Today we celebrate the first anniversary, accept congratulations, summarize and make plans for the future.

The main achievement of this year is people. Once unknown, but so close now. People who remain strong and loyal, sincere and unselfish, no matter who they are, what they do and where they live.

Today is also Thanksgiving Day. First of all, I thank the Republic of Moldova for the trust to represent this country in the Khmelnytsky region. My thanks to all with whom I work side by side and in videoconferences, who supports by word and deed, who helps, who opens new horizons, inspires and motivates. The Honorary Consulate is our common cause, and today is our common holiday.

The Honorary Consulate is not only an institution, but also a multidimensional social space without borders, where we can learn more about the history and science, culture and spirituality of other peoples, share the wealth of our country, travel and invite guests, build new economic bridges and artistic hubs.

Russian aggression against Ukraine has made adjustments in the Honorary Consulate’s activities. We had to postpone some of the planned actions for the future. Ahead we have new working meetings, official and unofficial visits, receptions of foreign delegations, experience exchange, business forums, cultural and educational tourism, charity events. Ahead are ambitious plans, ambitious projects and new challenges.

Despite the war, the Honorary Consulate is working and will continue to do its best to provide support and assistance to all those in need.

I am sure that our Victory is already near and we will celebrate the second anniversary of the Honorary Consulate opening with an official ceremony and festivities.

Glory to Ukraine!


Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi