News of the Consulate

Happy Dignity and Freedom Day!

On November 21, Ukraine celebrates Dignity and Freedom Day. This date was chosen precisely because it is associated with the beginning of the two revolutions, 2004 and 2013-14. In the …

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Kherson has been liberated!

“Kherson has been liberated.” We hoped every day to hear those words. And we were so afraid it would be years before they were uttered. Perhaps today none of Ukrainians …

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Прапор Республіки Польща

Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Poland!

Dear citizens of the Republic of Poland, I congratulate you on the national holiday – Independence Day! Ukrainians respect the benevolent relations between our countries, based on strong partnership, mutual …

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Міжнародний день енергозбереження

Congratulations on International Energy Conservation Day!

Every year, on November 11, worldwide, the International Energy Conservation Day is celebrated. Its main purpose is to focus the attention of authorities and society on rational use of resources …

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Проти фашизму, расизму та антисемітизму

International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism

Every year on November 9, in the world is celebrated the International Day Against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism, initiated to commemorate the first attack on the Jews by the German …

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