Meeting with the Head of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration Sergiy Gamaliy

Зустріч з головою Хмельницької ОДА

Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are reliable partners in social-economic, humanitarian and cultural spheres. Strengthening of international relations opens new opportunities for citizens of both countries and allows them to realize new ideas and international projects.

In order to establish the productive cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Khmelnytsky region the official meeting of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine Ruslan Bolbocean and Chairman of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration Sergiy Gamaliy was held on September 3 in the regional state administration. Counselor of Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine Daniela Turkanu, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky region Mykola Skrypkovskyi, first deputy chairman of Regional State Administration Sergiy Turin and director of Department of economic development of Regional State Administration Olena Bohonska also joined to the conversation.

Having begun the meeting, Sergiy Gamaliy expressed gratitude to Mr. Ambassador for the opportunity to open the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky region and assured that in view of the previous positive experience of work with partners from Moldova, the regional authority is ready to promote and support the further deepening of mutual relations.

“Expressing my personal impressions of the experience of cooperation and staying in Moldova, I would like to note that your country is a brother state for us. For me every time it is pleasant to visit Moldova both on business and simply traveling. Many Ukrainian citizens come to you, and it is very nice that citizens of Moldova also often come to Ukraine, for example, to rest on the sea or to enjoy picturesque views. This allows our countries to strengthen economic and cultural ties”, – Sergiy Gamaliy said.

The official also invited the distinguished guests to visit the I Khmelnytsky Film Festival, which will be held in a week, from 10 to 12 September in Khmelnytsky and Kamyanets-Podilsky.

Ruslan Bolbocean, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine, thanked for the opportunity of such dialogue, which once again confirms the friendly and active relations between the states.

“It is important to emphasize that cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova is strategic for both states. We make every effort to make the citizens of Ukraine feel comfortable being in Moldova, and similarly we work on the same for the citizens of Moldova, who are in Ukraine. I am sure that we still have a great potential for the development of further bilateral relations”,- Ruslan Bolbocean noted.

During the meeting, Honorary Consul Mykola Skrypkovskyi expressed his gratitude to Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration for comprehensive support of the Consulate activities, and assured that it will contribute to even closer relations between the Republic of Moldova and Khmelnytsky region. Now it will be possible to communicate more qualitatively on a regional level and quickly to introduce new initiatives on places.

At the end of the meeting participants have agreed on the further steps on deepening of cooperation and have exchanged memorable souvenirs.