Kruty Heroes Memorial Day

Today we honor the feat of young Ukrainians – petty officers and junkers of the First Kyiv Junior School named after B. Khmelnytskyy, fighters of the Sich Riflemen Students’ hut – Kyiv high school and gymnasium students. On January 29, 1918, shortly after the proclamation of the Ukrainian National Republic independence, they stopped Moscow-Bolshevik horde’s advance on Kyiv for a few days.

The heroic battle of Kruty was forever inscribed into the national history pages, first of all, as an example of freedom and indestructibility of Ukrainians.
It was Krutyans’ sacrifice and dedication that allowed for the organized evacuation of the central authorities from the capital and withdrawal of the troops – that is, everything possible to quickly regain their lost positions. And most importantly – the government of the young Ukrainian state was able to sign a peace treaty with Germany, which meant international recognition of the UNR and automatically made Bolsheviks occupiers of a sovereign state.

Now, just as 100 years ago, the country, dreaming of imperial ambitions, cannot accept the existence of an independent Ukraine. Now, as then, Russia has unleashed a bloody war. And it is losing this war because that war is being fought by people who are defending their land and their freedom. It has become a tradition on Kruty Heroes Memorial Day to honor the modern heroes who gave their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in the current Ukrainian-Russian war.
Eternal memory and eternal honor for them.

Today I would like to address separately our soldiers who are in the Armed Forces, National Guard, Security Service, State Border Guard Service, National Police and protect our lives, our future and our right to create our own state.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your daily exploits.

We will definitely win!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to its Heroes!

Герб Молдови

Honorary Сonsul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi