In darkness, but #withoutyou - a flashmob in Moldova

Moldovan citizens, like Ukrainians, believe it is better to be without light for a while rather than with Russian occupants. Moldovans were not very upset about the blackout in their country.

After a wide-scale power outage in Moldova, a flash mob with the hashtag #withoutyou was launched on social networks, a way for Internet users to protest against Russia’s aggression.

“In darkness, but #withoutyou. Our children and grandchildren should have another future! And we will fight for their normal life in a civilized world,” Acting General Director of TRACOM Aurelia Salikova wrote on Facebook.

Journalist Dmytro Ceric posted a photo of himself on his Telegram channel with the caption: “In the dark, but #withoutyou.”

“The lights went out. But we mobilized together with the team and did what we know best – our job… This war must be stopped. Immediately,” wrote Daniel Wode of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

“It’s four o’clock and there is still no electricity. But it’s okay, we’re holding on because Ukraine is holding on and because #withoutyou,” wrote social activist Constanza Dogotara.

Other users of social networks joined the flash mob.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Schmygal spoke with Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilica about the power outages and reported on the results, using the hashtag #withoutyou.

On November 23, power outages began in several districts of Moldova due to another massive missile strike by the Russian Federation against Ukrainian infrastructure.

Light disappeared in some Chisinau areas, Balti, and several other cities, including Transnistria.

Moldovan President Maya Sandu said Chisinau could not trust the Russian regime, which kills some people and leaves others without light and heat.