Happy National Unity Day of Ukraine!

Dear Ukrainians!

I congratulate you on the Day of National Unity, perhaps one of the major holidays for us now.

The historic Act of Reunification proclaimed on January 22, 1919 was a symbolic document. It marked geographical and mental outlines of a united Ukraine. Over time, the idea stated in the Act was gradually put into practice.

But today the unity of all our lands has become a truly national idea. It has finally seized the minds of almost all Ukrainian citizens without exception and has turned into a basis for values in all regions of Ukraine.

Unity is an indivisible integrity of all the Ukrainian lands, once belonging to different empires, and now united into an independent European Ukrainian state.

Unity is a big strong family for all citizens of Ukraine, it is our common home.

Finally, unity is when people come together and stand side by side for the benefit of Ukraine at the crucial moment of enormous trials – exactly as it is now.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, volunteers, millions and millions of citizens have risen up to defend the unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine. National Unity Day has never been such a great, hard-won and deserved celebration as it is today.

Our enemies have miscalculated. They wanted to destroy us, but made us stronger than ever. The Ukrainian nation has finally established itself in all territories – in the West, East, North, South and Central. It consolidated the representatives of various ethnoses and languages.

On January 22, 1919, we stated to the world and we repeat it today: “We are united and free. No empire will be able to divide us. We are going our own way. And along the way, our army defends our land, our language defends our heart, and our faith defends our soul. We have every reason for a confident look into the future.”

Glory to Ukraine!


Герб Молдови

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi
