Happy International Friendship Day!

Today, July 30, we celebrate one of the most important holidays of all mankind – the International Day of Friendship between nations, cultures and all people on Earth.

Watching TV, reading books, traveling, or just surfing the Internet we get acquainted with interesting traditions, customs and achievements of different peoples all over the world. Tolerance to other nations, the desire to learn about different cultures contributes to the preservation of peace in the world, which is so important for a happy future of our planet.

With the spread of extremism and radicalism in the world, the issue of tolerant attitude to different forms of human expression, cultural diversity of ethnicities, their spiritual and religious needs has become an effective safeguard for the emergence of many international and local conflicts.

Whatever the cause of hostility and armed violence, whatever the powerful forces behind them, the human spirit is much stronger.

In these difficult and unpredictable times, it is vital to reach out, to wipe away tears, to embrace. To say and hear such simple but so necessary words: “how are you”, ” I love you”, “hold on”, “miss you”.

On the occasion of International Friendship Day, let us remember what we have in common, regardless of race, religion, gender or borders.

We are one human family on our one planet.

Happy International Friendship Day!


Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi