Independence Day of Ukraine is not just a birthday of the state. It is a day of remembrance about the whole generations of our ancestors who created the nation and fought for statehood. It is one of the days on which the past and the future of Ukraine meet each year. The past should inspire wisdom. The future must instill in us the responsibility to make decisions.
Today, as never before, this holiday makes high demands of each of us and encourages us to take special responsibility for ourselves, our country and future generations, because now is the most complicated period of modern Ukraine, because human blood has been spilled and we are suffering from external armed aggression. This is the price for our people’s desire for a decent life in an integral, independent and prosperous European state. Creating the history of our Motherland, its present and future, is the responsibility of each of us, of all the people.
We will continue to stand up together steadfastly for the sovereignty of our state and do everything we can to bring our Victory closer.
With all my heart I wish everyone to live a bright and rich life, just as the color of our State Flag, blue and peaceful as the sky, and as golden and yellow as the wheat fields of Ukraine!
Victories, achievements and peace to us all.
We are proud of the glorious history and believe in the future of our state!
Glory to Ukraine!
Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi