Friendly visit to the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Kyiv

On May 18 Mykola Skrypkovskiy, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky paid a friendly visit to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine, Valeriu Civier. The meeting was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Kyiv.

In his speech, Mr. Civier underlined that Moldova supports the interests of Ukraine, and therefore the civilized world. The third consignment of 300 tons of humanitarian aid for Ukraine will be delivered soon.

Mykola Skrypkovskiy thanked the ambassador for his personal contribution to the fact that the Moldovan-Ukrainian diplomatic relations are at the highest level today.

The Honorary consul also thanked the Moldovan people for the constant support for Ukraine: from political to financial and humanitarian.

“Ukraine passed its Europeanness exam, the best Ukrainians now are serving their lives for the homeland and peace in Europe,” Skrypkovskiy said.

The parties paid special attention to the humanitarian needs of Ukraine during and after the war. The sides discussed cooperation with the diplomatic institutions in order to provide assistance to the displaced people from Moldova.

Valeriu Civier praised the work of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky during this difficult time, praising its efficiency and professionalism.
