This year, on May 9, together with the states of the European Union, Ukraine celebrates Europe Day – realizing the European identity of the Ukrainian people, with the aim of strengthening the unity of the peoples of Europe, ensuring peace, security and stability on the European continent, demonstrating commitment to the ideals and values of democracy, supporting the initiatives of youth and other public associations.

This holiday is a confirmation of the unity of Ukraine and Europe not only in terms of geography, but also in spirit, history, and common values, because the Ukrainian people are an integral part of European civilization. Also, this is a great reason to once again testify to Ukraine’s desire to live in peace, to build its future in the circle of European countries.

For the second year now, Ukraine celebrates Europe Day in a state of full-scale war against the Russian aggressor. The European Union stands side by side with us, providing comprehensive support, from military to humanitarian. Millions of citizens found refuge from the war in EU countries. At the same time, Ukrainian soldiers act as a strong shield for the Europeans, defending virtually all of Europe from the enemy.

Thank you to everyone who supports and helps our country in this difficult time!

Together to victory!