Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyn Yar

Today, Ukraine and the whole world honor the memory of the victims of Babyn Yar – a tragedy that will forever hurt peoples and states and motivate politicians to make wise, civilized decisions.

In just two days, September 29-30, 1941, the Nazis shot almost 34,000 Kyiv Jews here. And during the two years of German occupation, Babyn Yar “took” the lives of about 100,000 people – Jews, Roma, Ukrainian nationalists, prisoners, psychiatric hospital patients, civilians, and concentration camp inmates. Babyn Yar became one of the largest places of mass shootings of civilians committed by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Remembering the events of recent history, still feeling the burning common pain, we made the only right choice – Ukraine is an independent state that continues to courageously defend its land, builds its path on the principles of understanding and ensuring equal opportunities for the development of citizens of all nationalities and religions.
Today, with the joint efforts of all citizens, we are building a society of free people, whose goal and future is a dignified life in a united, free and indivisible Ukraine.

Bright memory of the innocent victims of Babyn Yar, the memory of the tragedy always remained alive despite all the circumstances.

Victory and peace to all of us!

Герб Молдови

With respect, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in the city of Khmelnytskyi Mykola Skrypkovskyi