City Day celebrations in Kyiv and Sievierodonetsk

On Sunday 29 May, the citizens of Kyiv and Sievierodonetsk are celebrating the City Day.

The capital will turn 1540 years old this year. It is not the first time Kyiv has experienced war and now it’s happening again in 2022. The city woke up to explosions. Rockets pierced its walls and disfigured its streets. Kyiv has learned to heed air raids and build bomb shelters. To work under fire. To take risks, to help, to save those who are worse off.

Today we celebrate the Day of Kyiv, while the scenes of fights at Obolon and Beresteyska street are still fresh in our memory. When you can still see before your eyes the thousands of volunteers queuing up to join the Territorial Defense Force, the evacuation trains from the railway station, the roadblocks at the junctions, the burning houses and the sounds of artillery duels. The enemy rushed here because they understood perfectly the importance of Kyiv. This is where Ukraine was born, this is where its heart beats.

We are proud of the courage of Kyiv. We are proud of the indomitable Ukrainian people, who did not allow the Moscow horde to reach their capital, their shrine.

The city of Sievierodonetsk in the Luhansk region is celebrating its founding anniversary today to the sound of explosions and massive volley fire. The city is wounded, exsanguinated, but alive and holding strong defenses. The Ukrainian flag flies over Sievierodonetsk.

Many thanks to our Armed Forces who are still holding the line! Thank you for your heroism, courage and inflexibility of every soldier, who stands now as a shield of steel facing the enemy, defending our native land! Let me thank every volunteer and resident of the city for their courage and will to fight.

Sievierodonetsk will stand.

Together we will win!


Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi