Visit of the Honorary Consul to Metropolitan Epiphani on the Day of Memory of Saint Epiphani of Cyprus

On May 25 Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky Mykola Skrypkovskiy attended a festive service at the St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Cathedral on the Day of Remembrance of Saint Epiphani of Cyprus.

Saint Epiphani of Cyprus, as defined by the Seventh Ecumenical Council, was a father and a teacher of the Church of Christ, who devoted his life to the development and establishment of the Church, defended the truth and fought against falsehood. He was faithful and responsible, persevering, a true ascetic, an example of great saintly service.

The Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Memorial Day of his heavenly patron was celebrated by

Blessed Metropolitan Epiphani of Kyiv and All the Ukraine. He was assisted by the bishops from all over Ukraine, the Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Ukraine, Bishop Michael of Comas, all the brothers of the monastery and numerous clergymen.

During the service there were prayers for the heroic soldiers-defenders of Ukraine, for our indomitable people and for the rest of souls of all fallen defenders of native land and peaceful inhabitants.

Metropolitan Epiphani also prayed for the liberation of Ukraine from the invasion of occupants.

The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky Mykola Skrypkovskiy also joined in the common prayer. After the Divine Liturgy, the Honorary Consul had the opportunity to speak with His Beatitude, Metropolitan Epiphani.

Mykola Skrypkovskiy congratulated the Metropolitan on the Day of his namesake and wished him good health, inexhaustible spiritual strength and peace in his heart and on earth.

The consul also thanked him for his words of comfort and support, much needed by all of us during the war.

Mr. Skrypkovskiy presented the Primate with a memorable gift – a portrait of Epiphani himself painted in oil.
