Up-to-date information for refugees from Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine arriving in the Republic of Moldova can learn all the most important information collected and published on the platform www.dopomoga.gov.md from the printed leaflets edited by the team of the platform.

The leaflet contains all basic information, briefly structured by steps, which is important for all refugees to know in order to apply for qualified assistance in a variety of fields: asylum requests, legal advice, ways to exchange currencies, access to cell phones and internet, main contacts of relevant institutions, etc.

The leaflet will be available in both electronic and printed versions. We encourage all public and private organizations, as well as all volunteers who participate in any refugee relief activities, to distribute it as widely as possible to provide valuable, relevant and, most importantly, verified information to all who need it.


Information and Field Support in Moldova

We provide information support and, if possible, we will drive women and children to the border of the Republic of Moldova – ROSOSHANY check point.

Please be understanding, we do not have the possibility to take you to other state border crossing points – only to ROSOSHANY!
