Ukraine and Moldova abolish permits for international cargo transportation

Україна та Молдова

From September 1 Ukrainian carriers will be able to travel to the Republic of Moldova under new simplified rules.

The Ministry of Infrastructure team agreed with colleagues from Chisinau on the eve of Moldova’s Independence Day, which was celebrated on August 27.

After signing the “transport visa-free” with EU countries, Moldova remained the only state at our borders without complete abolition of the permit regime for Ukrainian carriers. Taking into account the huge volume of cargo going to Moldova, signing of bilateral protocol will remove the risk of our export stops.

The permit regime will be retained for irregular passenger traffic (next year the parties will exchange 2,200 permits) and for traffic to or from other third countries (Ukraine will receive 10,000 permits for 2023).

“The bilateral abolition of permits for international freight traffic, the opening a few days ago of the Berezyne – Basarabeasca railway section, non-operational for more than 20 years – these are excellent examples of cooperation in the transport sector, the reinforcement of interaction between Ukraine and Moldova.

Now our goal is to use new opportunities as much as possible to strengthen the economies of our countries against the threats posed by Russian military aggression and Russian policy in general,” said Oleksandr Kubrakov, Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure.

Source – Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine