The consecration ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky

Церемонія освячення Почесного Консульства

On December 15, at the invitation of Honorary Consul Mykola Skrypkovskyi, Bishop of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlo performed a rank of consecration of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky.

The ceremony was attended by Honorary Consul Mykola Skrypkovskyi and the Honorary Consulate Secretary Anna Marchuk.

At the end of the prayer, Bishop Pavlo addressed to the staff of the Consulate with his word of high priesthood and congratulated them on this outstanding event in the diplomatic office’s life. He wished everyone God’s blessing, development and prosperity. His Metropolitan Pavlo stressed the importance of the Honorary Consulate’s mission, namely the rapprochement of countries and peoples.

Mykola Skrypkovskyi expressed his gratitude to Bishop Pavlo and assured that the consulate will continue to work for the benefit of the citizens and to establish even stronger relations between Moldova and Ukraine.
