The Golden Lion Order

Орден Золотого Лева




To award diplomatic, economic, social, scientific and artistic personnel for their significant contribution in strengthening of international authority of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky and development of interstate cooperation; for personal outstanding achievement in preservation of peace, friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation between nations; for productive cultural, mental, scientific, educational activity, directed to the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of nations and nationalities.


Foundation date: May 28, 2022


STATUTE of the Golden Lion Order

1. The Golden Lion Order is a non-governmental award with a special status, founded with the purpose of developing interstate cooperation, deepening collaboration between peoples, and achieving and preserving inter-ethnic harmony.

2. The Golden Lion Order is awarded for a significant contribution in strengthening the international prestige of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky and the deepening of interstate consolidation, for special achievements in the preservation of peace, friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples, for the productive cultural, mental, scientific and educational activities aimed at bringing together and mutual enrichment of the nations and nationalities.

3. The Golden Lion Order CAN BE AWARDED:
– citizens of Ukraine;
– citizens of other states;
– ministries, departments;
– enterprises, institutions, organizations, communities and associations.

4. THE RIGHT TO AWARD the Golden Lion Order is granted to the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky.

5. The Golden Lion Order is worn on the left side of one’s chest along with the State Awards of Ukraine and State Awards of other countries.

6. The motto of the Golden Lion Order is “Ubi concordia – ibi victoria” (“Where there is unity, there is victory”).


DESCRIPTION of the Golden Lion Order

The Golden Lion Order is made on unique modern technologies 4-relief stamping and vacuum casting. The images are embossed. The coating is gold, nickel and jewelry enamels.
