November 22 - Son's Day

Today, on Son’s Day, we celebrate not only a special moment in the life of every family, but also express gratitude and pride for the fact that we have such wonderful sons. Son’s Day is another opportunity to give a gift to young and old men, an opportunity to once again express your love and support.
This holiday is a time not only for celebrations, but also for recognizing the important role that sons play in the lives of their families and the country as a whole.

Sons are our pride and hope for the future. They bring joy, happiness and inexhaustible love to our lives. They are the ones who continue our lineage and pass on the values ​​that are so important to us. This is a great and invaluable contribution of all the sons of Ukrainian mothers who stand in defense of our independence. Your courageous devotion to your country and fearless willingness to defend its freedom and independence are an inexhaustible source of gratitude and pride.

And finally, I welcome my baby boy, my most precious treasure and my happiness. You are my light and joy, and I am grateful for every moment we spend together. May your life be filled with success, joy and boundless love. I am proud of you, my Andrianchik, and I love you infinitely!

With warmest wishes,
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in the city of Khmelnytskyi and father of my son Mykola Skrypkovskyi