National Language Day of the Republic of Moldova

Dear citizens of the Republic of Moldova!

On behalf of the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytskyi, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful holiday – the National Language Day of the Republic of Moldova!

Language is not only a means of communication, but also a treasure trove of cultural values, national identity and heritage. It unites us, helps to preserve and pass on our multifaceted history and traditions from generation to generation.

That is why today we celebrate not only the importance of language, but also the ties between our countries – Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Let our words be a bridge of cooperation, friendship and understanding.

I wish all of us strong ties, flourishing cultural cooperation and undying love for our native languages.

I congratulate you on the holiday, dear friends! May language always sound like a hymn of unity and progress.

Best wishes,

Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi