Meeting between the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova and the President of Ukraine

On June 2, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Ukraine Valeriu Civieri presented his accreditation letters to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In the course of their discussion Volodymyr Zelenskyy congratulated the new Moldovan ambassador and wished him success in a high diplomatic post.

The interlocutors exchanged opinions about the current state and prospects of Moldovan-Ukrainian relations in the context of russian federation’s military aggression against Ukraine.

President Zelenskyy noted the Ukrainian side’s interest in boosting and deepening cooperation between the two neighboring states in areas of mutual interest. The head of state thanked the Republic of Moldova for its efforts in receiving refugees and transferring humanitarian aid.

For his part, Mr. Civieri stressed how important it is to boost the bilateral dialogue across numerous dimensions, especially so as regards an energy sector and creation of capacities for goods’ transit. The Ambassador also reiterated Moldova’s position on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
