Happy Independence Day of Ukraine

The Independence Day of Ukraine is not just the birthday of the state, it is a holiday commemorating entire generations of our ancestors who created the nation and fought for statehood.
Today, more than ever before, this holiday makes high demands on each of us, prompts us to take special responsibility towards ourselves, our country, and future generations, as this is the most difficult period of modern Ukraine.

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine! I wish to always believe in own strength, respect each other, love our country, honor our history, remember all those who heroically gave their lives for Ukraine and it’s future.
I wish the Ukrainian army strength, the wounded and injured – physical and spiritual recovery, all Ukrainians – happiness, joy, peace and freedom.

Victory, gains and peace to all of us.
We are proud of the glorious history of Ukraine and believe in the great future of our country!
Glory to Ukraine!