Happy Family Day!

Today, July 8, Ukraine celebrates Family Day.

Family for everyone is the dearest people who love and understand the most, teach life wisdom. In the parental home, love for the native language and culture is instilled, because the family itself is the source of Ukrainian values and traditions from the beginning.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, many families were separated. Therefore, today is a day with a shadow of sadness and sadness. Everyone has a family member who protects and defends our Ukraine in this cruel war, someone who gave his life for our freedom. We understood more than ever before that there is no greater happiness in the world than being close to our relatives.

I sincerely congratulate everyone on Family Day!

I wish that love, loyalty, mutual understanding and, of course, happiness always reign in your family! Let every moment spent with your loved ones bring you only joy, smiles, harmony in your soul and a good mood!

I believe that soon all our families will live happily under the peaceful sky of Ukraine! Good health, happy fate and unshakable solidity of family relations!

Герб Молдови
Sincerely, Mykola Skrypkovskyi, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytskyi.
