Happy City Day, Khmelnytsky!

Dear Khmelnytsky citizens!

Today all of us feel a part of the big family. Together we celebrate the birthday of Khmelnytsky, the heart of Podillya region. Young, energetic, full of strength and zeal.

This wonderful city inspires work and creativity, searching for new and preservation of traditions.

Those who were born here and are proud of their homeland, others who came to study or work, stayed and loved Khmelnytsky with all their heart.

We are justly proud of our city, its history, rich cultural traditions and modern achievements.

Over the years Khmelnytsky has seen changing eras, lived through centuries of discoveries and achievements. And despite numerous trials, it has always proved to be a strong city of sincere people.

The regional center lives in the thousands of hearts rhythm. Greatness and power of plants, coziness and beauty of parks, cultural kaleidoscope of traditions – all this united our city. And now each of us is a creator of its chronicle.

Khmelnytsky is a home that its residents are ready to defend. The native land, kept in hearts even a hundred kilometers away from.

Its streets are full of life. Even now, when the war has left a mark there.
Its houses have embraced those fleeing from Russian terror.
Its inhabitants work, help, heal, protect. So that the blue-and-yellow flag constantly rises over the city.

The Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova does its best to promote Khmelnytsky abroad. I aspire for the city and the region as a whole to get new opportunities for economic and cultural development.

On behalf of me personally and on behalf of the whole Republic of Moldova I congratulate Khmelnytsky on the City Day!

Let our city every year grow younger, renewed, gaining strength. And also takes in the embraces and makes more and more people happy.

Happy birthday, Khmelnytsky!
The city of ambitious, creative, talented people! The city of heroes!
The city with a history, a challenging present and a great future.

I wish Victory, peace, prosperity and new achievements to everyone!

Glory to Ukraine!


Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi
