Happy Children's Day!

Every year on the first day of summer, the International Children’s Day is traditionally celebrated.

Children are small pieces of great happiness, whose name is Life. Children are a miracle, giving every adult sincere joy and warmth.

Now the sprouts of war are sprouting deep in children’s hearts. In the XXI century in Ukraine, a generation born to the sound of machine guns and the explosion of mines and shells is growing. Children of war. Children with broken destinies. Children who have already lived their adult lives.

War takes a lot away. Dreams, hopes, plans. But the worst is when war takes human lives. Children’s lives. We adults must do everything to save little hearts and help every child to survive these horrors.

All ministries and departments are working to save and preserve children’s lives, to ensure their safety and rights. Solving specific tasks in wartime conditions, routinely performing their professional duties, complicated by the challenges of wartime, is essential. I want to sincerely thank those who work and continue to help the children of Ukraine.

We must unite around the world to save every little life, to provide the necessary support and assistance, and to provide psychological rehabilitation when the war is over.

Dear children! You are the future of Ukraine, our support and encouragement.Let your shining smile become your faithful companion even in these difficult times, and let your little hearts always be warmed by love, affection and parental warmth. Good luck to you, a peaceful sky over your head and the fulfillment of your most cherished childhood dreams!


Герб Молдови

Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi
