A year since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia

Today is February, in which year… February 24, 2022 03:40.

Closed airports, urgent convening of the UN Security Council, address of the president, closed airspace, the enemy announced a special operation, missile attack on the entire territory of Ukraine, the first battle, air alert, introduction of martial law, telephone conversations – calls to immediately end the war, evacuation, overloading of transport routes, total defense regime, sanctions…sanctions…sanctions…

Fear gripped souls, trembling hands, misunderstanding, anxious suitcases, thousands of abandoned homes…only the most necessary, calls to keep calm!

Gostomel and Bucha – it hurts, Zmiiny Island – a fortress, the seizure of nuclear power plants, hold on to your native Kharkiv, the first combat victories and losses of the enemy. Endless ranks of volunteers – one faith, will and indomitable spirit for all! Volunteers, open meetings, donate…donate…donate…It seems they have hardened and here is a drama theater with the inscription “children”, “help” – barely audible from under the rubble of buildings.

The strongest alloy of courage is “Azovstal”. Kherson, of course, Ukraine – liberation of the city from occupation. The explosion on the Kerch bridge was a good sunny day.
Died for Ukraine, heroes do not die, posthumous honors, lost children’s lives – respect and compassion without end and bottom! Broken hearts and, like never before, the whole country are a solid point of unbreak ability and unity.

Russian troops are carrying out aerial, missile and artillery attacks on the territory of Ukraine, unprecedented in Europe since the Second World War. Russian missiles and projectiles hit thousands of civilian infrastructure objects: residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, shopping and entertainment centers. Mass burials of shot and tortured Ukrainians, abuse and murder of the civilian population. It is impossible to forgive and forget!

We have been fighting for our freedom for a whole year, every corner of the world now knows who Ukrainians are – free people of a free country.

We believe in victory!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

Герб Молдови

Honorary Сonsul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi