Honoring the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

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February 20 is forever engraved in the memory of the brutal murder of those who defended the ideals of democracy, defended the right to a decent life and freedom of ordinary Ukrainians.

True patriots went to Maidan at the end of February in search of justice, honesty, and a decent life, and met their demise there.

On this day in 2014, the Maidan held a farewell to those who were later called the Heavenly Hundred. Their tragic feat was fateful and inspired thousands of Ukrainians to fight the russian aggressor.

This year the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Khmelnytsky joined in commemoration of the Heroes of the Revolution of Dignity. Honorary Consul Mykola Skrypkovskyi and the Honorary Consulate Secretary Anna Marchuk laid flowers at the monument to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.

“We bow our heads, paying deep respect to all who gave their lives for the freedom of their native land. Our eternal memory of their sacrifice is immortal, and now only we are responsible for the future of our country,” – Mykola Skrypkovskyi noted.
