Mom is the closest person in everyone’s life. Our mothers give us life and then become our first role models. The warmest memories of childhood are impossible without mothers – they always save us from diseases and protect us from troubles.
We turn to our mother when we need really wise and good advice, the sincerity of which cannot be doubted. After all, in the most difficult times, when it seems that the whole world has become hostile, only a mother’s love remains unconditional and unchanged.
Dear mothers, may every minute of your life be filled with love and joy! May your mother’s heart not know sadness. Let children delight with success and care! Good luck and happy motherhood!
Thank you very much for your sons and daughters who today defend our country from the enemy, for your motherly faith and prayer, which protects and gives strength.
Congratulations to you!
Honorary consul of the Republic of Moldova
Mykola Skrypkovskyi